( Posted on 7 months ago )
- Posted: 06, Aug 2024
- Openings: 10
- Job Applicants: 7
LAWVS Internship 2024 [September; unpaid]
LAWVS is a legal firm that aims to assist those who venture into or are venturing into the legal field to the fullest. The firm streamlines the seeking of employment for young advocates and lawyers to gather experience and knowledge as well as internships for the advocates and judges in making.
To achieve the aim of strengthening and expanding the legal domain in India, LAWVS creates a synergistic atmosphere that fosters cooperation, information exchange, and career progression by bringing together law students, legal clerks, corporations, and activists.
Areas of Work
Interns will be tasked to reach out to various legal firms and coordinate with them to seek internships and jobs for their respective firms. The goal of the task is to make the opportunities offered by the firms visible and easily accessible to legal interns for their convenience. The following is the basic overview of what must be done is: find out the contact information and reach out to legal firms, and earn the right to promote the seeking of juniors/interns of the respective legal firms. Telephonic communication/E-mail coordination with the respective firms may be used. Furthermore, interns are to update the firms on the progress through their respective E-mails as well as update the information on the website of LAWVS. No assistance will be provided by LAWVS regarding the task.
- Proficiency in English and Hindi.
- Resourcefulness, enthusiasm, initiative and attention to detail.
- - Data management skills.
All internships are voluntary and unpaid.
Successful completion of the internship's duration will be rewarded with a certificate for the accomplishment and a letter of recommendation for the interns' welfare in future endeavours. However, interns who fail to complete the required period will not receive the certificate and letter.
Contact Information
Contact number: +91 8171974067