The Supreme Court is set to unveil a statue of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on Constitution Day.

The Supreme Court is set to unveil a statue of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on Constitution Day.

On November 26, celebrated as Constitution Day, the Supreme Court will unveil a statue of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. The statue, currently in construction in Manesar, Haryana, will be transported to the Supreme Court upon completion. 

The decision to erect the statue follows persistent requests from a group of lawyers associated with the Ambedkarite movement. In December of the previous year, they wrote a letter to the Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud, urging the installation of Dr. Ambedkar's statue on the Supreme Court lawns.

 In September of this year, the Supreme Court Arguing Counsel Association (SCACA) also advocated for the statue's installation.

In contrast, the Full Court of the Madras High Court, on April 11, reiterated its previous decision not to have photos, statues, or portraits of any leader other than Mahatma Gandhi and Saint Thiruvalluvar in courts and court premises in Tamil Nadu.

 Various advocates' associations had requested a portrait of Dr. Ambedkar inside the courts, but the requests were declined. 

A circular issued by the Registrar General on July 7 mentioned that the Full Court decision was based on resolutions passed since October 2008.

Despite this, on July 25, the State government declared that the existing statues and portraits of Dr. BR Ambedkar would be maintained. Dr. Ambedkar, belonging to the Mahar caste, faced discrimination as an untouchable Dalit, hindering his access to primary education. However, he overcame these challenges, obtaining 26 degrees and titles, making him one of the most highly educated Indians of his generation. 

As the Chairman of the Drafting Committee, Dr. Ambedkar is recognized as the architect of the Indian Constitution.

Author : Vipra Sharma

Posted on : 23,Nov,2023

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